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Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. is responsible for the safety and health of its employees and is always prepared to respond to customer emergencies.

Safety/Health System

Safety Management

Emergency response

Disaster management

Safety Diagnosis

Health care
Safety/Health System : ISO45001
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must comply with the safety and health-related laws and regulations of each country in which it conducts business, and must obtain and maintain all safety and health-related permits and permits necessary for business operations.
  2. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must operate a safety and health management system (Note 1) consisting of organization, plan, procedure, and result inspection to prevent safety and health accidents during business operations.
Note1) A system that establishes safety and health management principles based on the employer's autonomous policies such as ISO45001 and KOSHA18001 standards, and carries out planning, implementation, inspection and evaluation activities based on these to gradually improve the safety and health system.

Safety management of M/C & Equipment
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must regularly inspect and evaluate the safety of harmful or dangerous machinery and equipment in the workplace.
  2. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must install and manage safety devices, protective walls, emergency devices, etc. to prevent accidents involving harmful or dangerous machinery and equipment within the workplace.
  3. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must provide employees with safety gear to protect individuals according to the work environment.

Emergency situation response
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must establish a plan to respond to emergency situations such as natural disasters, group infections, fires, and safety accidents, and have a manual consisting of contents such as reporting, response, and follow-up measures when a situation occurs.
  2. for emergency situations, Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must conduct training in accordance with the laws of each country in which it operates and its own established plans and manuals.
  3. In the event of an emergency, Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must be equipped with escape routes, guidance lights, firefighting facilities, etc., and inspect them to ensure they are operating normally.

Disaster management
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must establish a system to measure the status of industrial accidents or diseases.
  2. In the event of an industrial accident or serious illness, Youngshin must immediately stop work and take necessary measures, such as evacuating executives and employees.
  3. When an industrial accident or serious illness occurs, Youngshin must investigate the cause and make efforts to come up with improvement measures.

Safety diagnosis
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must regularly conduct safety risk assessments of the work space to determine whether executives and employees are exposed to accident risks and harmful factors.
  2. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must provide executives and employees with information on accident risks and harmful factors in the workspace based on the safety risk assessment results, and the information must be written in a language that executives and employees can understand.
  3. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must not assign pregnant women, minors, etc. to high-risk work in terms of safety and health, and must strive to create a work environment that does not cause difficulties for disabled, immigrant, and other socially vulnerable employees.

Health care
  1. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. must regularly conduct general health checkups or special health checkups for its executives and employees in accordance with the health checkup laws of each country in which it conducts business.
  2. Depending on the results of the health checkup, measures such as changing the employee's workspace, changing the work environment, and adjusting working hours must be taken.
  3. Youngshin Precision Co., Ltd. may provide rest areas, restrooms, restaurants, etc. to its executives and employees, and if such facilities are provided, efforts must be made to maintain cleanliness.

Youngshin Precision Co., LTD
POST : 38039   ADDR : 156, Moaoya-gil, Cheonbuk-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
TEL : 82 - 54 - 745 - 4491   FAX : 82 - 54 - 745 - 4490

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